If you’ve had a job and paid tax in the last 4 years, you could easily have been underpaid by over £200 over the last 4 years and due a tax refund.
And that’s just the average… You could find your tax refund is worth even more!
Why would I have been UNDERPAID, surely my employer knows what they’re doing and I’m not due a tax refund?
It’s very simple – the tax taken from your wages is worked out by your employer using the tax code you and they are given by HMRC.
But after checking the codes given to over 1.7 MILLION employees and finding almost 600,000 had the wrong code (that’s more than 1 in 3) and in every case, the employee had been overcharged and due a tax refund, it’s obvious there’s a massive problem!
Your employer can’t tell if your code is wrong. It’s your code and personal to you. Only YOU can tell if it’s wrong and you’ve got to tell HMRC so they can send a new code to your employer. Even HMRC don’t know if your code’s wrong unless YOU tell them!
So if you’ve NOT checked your code, you could have been underpaid hundreds (or even thousands) of £££’s and never realised!
This problem’s so widespread that cautious estimates indicate HMRC’s collected at least £1 BILLION in just the last 4 years alone from taxpayers using the wrong code and not realising.
HMRC will actually give all this money back if taxpayers ask for it, but that’s where the real problem lies!
Do YOU understand your tax code? Would you know if it was wrong? Have you EVER checked it? If not, you could be owed a share of this £1 BILLON pot worth of tax refunds!
Now although HMRC will give your money back, they won’t wait for ever. They give you just 4 years to tell them WHY they gave you the wrong code – after that it’s too late. Even if they did and it was ALL THEIR FAULT, they still get to KEEP all YOUR money!
So now really is the time to find out if you’re owed any money back from HMRC.
How do I find out if they’ve got my money?
If you know enough about income tax rules, go back through all of your P60 forms and wage slips you’ve had since April 2013 and check the tax codes were correct. Make sure they included all the tax reliefs you were entitled to at that time. Make sure if you had more than one job that both employers were using different codes, (although I’m guessing if you know enough about the income tax rules you’d have spotted any problems when they occurred and already gotten your tax refund).
If you find any errors that mean you were charged too much tax (and therefore underpaid), call HMRC on 0300 200 3300 and tell them what the problem is and why you were given the wrong code.
Make sure you have all the information to hand so you know what you’re talking about. You can’t be certain the person you speak with will know everything, so you may need to be very insistent if you want your money back. (When the Chartered Institute of Taxation did a test of HMRC call centres, they found between 11% and 80% of the answers they were given by HMRC staff were wrong!)
When you get your tax refund, check it carefully and make sure they’ve sent you the right amount. Too much is just as bad as too little because they’ll eventually realise and want their money back!
If all this sounds like hard work, or you don’t even understand your tax code or the income tax rules, you could get all your code checked for free by the UK’s leading professional tax code experts.
They’ll check the code you’ve been given this year and if it’s wrong, they’ll get HMRC to correct it and send your employer a new one. All the money you’ve been underpaid this year will be added back into your wages by your employer AND your net pay will go up from the next month. You’ll keep getting this extra cash every month unless your circumstances change.
There’s nothing to pay for this. It’s totally FREE
While they’re checking your code for this year, they will also check the codes you got for the last 4 years. (Don’t worry, they won’t need all your payslips). If they find any of them were wrong and you’ve been underpaid, they’ll get on to HMRC and get them to amend their records and HMRC will pay back any money they owe you.
If you do get your money back from one of the past 4 years, there is a fee to pay. But to be clear, this is ONLY if you get money back from the last 4 years. Anything you get back from the current year is still FREE. AND….if you don’t ask HMRC for your money back, they’re going to keep the whole lot for themselves anyway!
So, the fee is 38p from each £1 HMRC give you back*. That means you’re better off by £62 for every £100 they owe you. That’s far better than letting HMRC keep the lot!!
But that’s not all …
If it turns out you’ve underpaid tax, HMRC won’t be informed unless YOU ask them to. So it’s RISK-FREE. But to give you added peace of mind because it’s the UK’s leading professional tax code experts, they guarantee if you get an unexpected tax demand as a result of their work, they’ll pay the tax bill for you! (T&C’s available on request)
You won’t get a demand because they won’t tell HMRC if you’ve underpaid unless you ask them to,
• Don’t have to know ANYTHING about tax.
• Don’t need to provide any credit/debit card or bank details. You only pay if you’re entitled to a refund, and even then it’s just 38p for every £1 they get back for you.
• Won’t be bombarded by nuisance phone calls.
• Will ensure you don’t miss out on receiving any money you can rightly claim as all work is guaranteed.
Don’t forget time’s running out
Millions of people around the country have overpaid tax and are due a refund. If you’ve had a job and paid tax in the last 4 years, you could be one of them.
But with the pot of money, you could get back shrinking, you need to start finding out today.
After all, isn’t hundreds of pounds, or even THOUSANDS, worth a few minutes of your time?
Click the big green button at the top of the screen to check to see if you’re due any money back now!
* The minimum fee, if you get money back for the past 4 years, is £38. If you get less than £38 back off HMRC, the minimum fee will be reduced so there’s nothing else to pay. Average refund in 2017 is £209.98.

Our Average Tax Refund For Clients Is Over £206!